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Adaptive MFA

Adaptive MFA provides seamless access to tools using modern factors and insights from billions of users and devices, integrating smoothly with apps and networks.

  Set IP, Device, Location, & Time Based Restrictions

  Completely secure all your SaaS and Legacy applications

  15+ MFA Methods to Choose From (OTP over Phone/SMS, Push Notification, etc.)

  Continuously assesses risk levels and adapts MFA requirements.

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Adaptive Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)

What is Adaptive Multi-Factor Authentication & How does it Work?

Adaptive authentication or risk based authentication (RBA) is a security mechanism that triggers additional authentication factors or Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) during high-risk scenarios based on contextual factors like IP address, user behavior, device info, location, time, and more. By analyzing these factors, the system assigns a risk score.

If the risk is low, the user gets streamlined access without going through the additional MFA factor, whereas if the risk is high, the user is required to fulfill the MFA challenge in order to authenticate themselves and gain access to the requested resources. If the risk score is too high, then user access will be denied to prevent any kind of unauthorized access. This approach finds a balance between user convenience and security by adapting to the situation.

Empowering 25K+ Customers Globally

Adaptive Authentication Features

Threat Resilience

Adaptive MFA builds threat resilience in organizations by blocking modern cyber attacks like phishing, ransomware, etc. It detects insider threats by flagging unusual behavior. Furthermore, it prevents unauthorized access through dynamic responses to risk factors.

Dynamic Security Threats

Organizations are exposed to dynamic threats and to resolve these evolving security challenges, an adaptable solution like Adaptive MFA is crucial. It detects unusual patterns or high-risk indicators and triggers MFA challenges, bolstering security against evolving cyber threats.

Regulatory Requirements

Many industries are subject to regulations of local governments and international regulatory bodies, which mandate robust security measures. Adaptive MFA helps organizations meet compliance standards without causing disruptions to daily operations.

Group and Role-based Assignment

Users can be grouped together and given access to specific applications according to their roles based on different access policies.

Set granular access security policies

Admin can track all the user activities, manage access, and add security policies for users on a granular level.

Real-time Protection

Eliminates the need for frequent authentication through a fixed approach. For the calculation of the threats and decisions, the session attributes of the user are fetched during runtime.

Adaptive Authentication Applications

Google workspace IP restriction

G Suite

Office 365 IP Restriction

Office 365

Thinkific IP restriction


Zendesk IP restriction


Zoho IP restriction


Slack IP restriction


Salesforce IP restriction


Freshdesk IP restriction


Dropbox IP restriction


Atlassian Jira Cloud IP restriction

Atlassian Jira Cloud

How does Adaptive Multi Factor Authentication Work?

Adaptive MFA adjusts the level of authentication required based on the risk level of the user's activity, prompting additional verification for high-risk actions, moderate checks for medium risk, and allowing seamless access for low-risk scenarios. Below are the steps explained.

Step 1:  User Attempt to Access

The user attempts to log in or perform an action (e.g., logging in, making a transaction) on a system or application.

Step 2:  Risk Analysis

The system performs a risk-based authentication assessment by analyzing various factors such as:

  • User behavior patterns (e.g., login time, frequency)
  • Device characteristics (e.g., is the device recognized?)
  • Network information (e.g., IP address, location)
  • Type of action being performed (e.g., fund transfer)

Step 3:  Determine Authentication Requirements

  • High Risk: If the activity is deemed high-risk the system may require multiple additional MFA factors or block access.
  • Medium Risk: For medium-risk scenarios the system may prompt the user for extra credentials.
  • Low Risk: If the activity is low-risk the user is granted access without additional authentication steps.

Step 4:  User Verification

The user provides the required authentication factors as requested by the system.

Step 5:  Access Granted/Denied

If the user successfully completes the required authentication steps, they are granted access.

Adaptive MFA workflow

Adaptive Authentication Factors

IP Restriction
Location Restriction
Device Restriction
Time Restriction

IP Restriction

When using IP Restriction as risk-based authentication, IP addresses are configured and enlisted by the admin, and access is either allowed or denied accordingly. When a user attempts to log into one of the risk-based authentication-enabled apps, his IP address is checked against the preset IP list, and appropriate action is taken (i.e. Allow, Deny or Challenge).

Location Restriction

In Location-based Risk-Based Authentication restriction, the admin shortlists and configures a list of Geo-locations. Based on the location restrictions set by the admin, end-users are either allowed or denied the login. When a user tries to login with Risk-Based Authentication enabled, his location attributes such as are verified against the location list configured by the admin, and based on this user will be either allowed, challenged, or denied access to resources.

Device Restriction

Using Device-based Risk-Based Authentication, the admin allows end-users to add a set number of trusted devices (A device refers to a Browser Session). A registered device allows a person to log in without restriction once it has been registered. An administrator will challenge or deny a person's registration if their registered device exceeds their total limit.

Time Restriction

Risk-Based Authentication also includes a time restriction, which starts with an admin setting up a time zone with a Start and End Time. Users are permitted, refused, or challenged based on the defined timezone and policies. As soon as an end-user attempts to log in with risk-based authentication enabled, his time zone parameters, such as time zone and system time, are compared to the list defined by the admin, and the user is either granted access, rejected access, or challenged access, depending on his configuration.

Benefits of Adaptive Authentication

API Integration

Use miniOrange's Adaptive Authentication APIs to add extra security with Adaptive MFA to all your SaaS apps on any web browser-supported device with quick and effortless deployment.

Platform Independent

Our Adaptive MFA product is platform-independent and can be easily deployed to any device supporting a web browser, irrespective of the type of device.

Real-Time User Access Restriction

Adaptive MFA lets you limit user access based on factors like IP, device, location, and time. It assesses session attributes in real time to calculate risk and make access decisions.

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Explore Diverse Use-Cases

Complete Google Workspace Security

Safeguard sensitive data in Google Workspace apps (Gmail, Drive, etc.) using miniOrange Adaptive MFA. Prevent unauthorized access, ensure productivity, and enable smooth access for authorized users.

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Make VPN Remote Access Safe

VPNs are vulnerable to brute force attacks and to better secure them, add adaptive MFA for VPNs. It analyzes risks and prompts MFA when needed, alerts admins of unusual activity, and prevents unauthorized access and data breaches.

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Secure Any SaaS Apps

Securing different SaaS apps is challenging, and a simple credential leak leads to sensitive data exposure. With miniOrange Adaptive MFA, you can secure all your different SaaS apps at once with easy integration.

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Adaptive MFA
Services Pricing

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  • Flexible pricing based on your user tiers, with volume discounts available.

  • Instant customized quotes that fit your budget and requirements.
  • Expert guidance on the best solution for you.

  • Affordable pricing options for large enterprises, government agencies, and SMBs.

*Please contact us to get volume discounts for higher user tiers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between MFA and Adaptive MFA?

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is an authentication method that requires the user to provide two or more verification factors, such as a username, password, and additional security measure, to gain access to a resource. On the other hand, Adaptive MFA provides an extra edge to MFA security based on risk and access provided by the security admin to control user access. It detects fraudulent attempts based on predetermined risk criteria and prompts customers to complete an additional authentication step to confirm their identities.

What is an Authentication service?

An Authentication service provides an identity verification mechanism that verifies the identity of a user against some fixed attributes (like login credentials, passwords, etc.) before granting them access to the requested digital resources (like app account, digital services, and many more). Without a proper authentication system in place, there lies the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive resources.

What are the three factors for Authentication?

Knowledge Factor (something you know): Includes multiple passwords, PIN codes, and answers to security questions. Anything you can remember, type, say, do, execute, or otherwise recall when needed is considered a knowledge element.
Possession Factor (something you have): Includes a particular object which you possess since it is improbable that a hacker would acquire your password and take anything physical. This category includes smart cards, mobile phones, physical tokens, key fobs, and keychains.
Inherence Factor (something you are): Verified by a fingerprint test on a phone, but it also includes anything that may be a wholly unique identification of your physical body, such as a retinal test, voice or facial recognition, or any other sort of biometrics.

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Identity, Access, and Beyond





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